Thursday, October 2, 2014

Saigon in my eyes.

Xin Chào!

 Saigon, maybe not the most familiar word to many of you but this word means the whole world to me and I think it’s my responsibility to introduce you guys to my world. Saigon is a little city in the South of Vietnam; it comes with another name of Ho Chi Minh City. With a population of 7.396 million people it’s the largest city in Vietnam.

Saigon's post office

 Enough with the facts, this is Saigon in my eyes. Saigon, even the pronunciation sounds inviting. First step outside of the airport you will be able to feel the warm air rushes against your face as the sun shines upon your bare skin. Heading towards the central of Saigon your eyes will open to the busy view of the city. “Beep beep” the sound of motorbike horns ringing through your ears and wake you up from your daydreams.

Post office: Inside

 Different from other places, Saigon will overwhelm you slowly as you discover the city. It doesn’t take long for you to adapt to this little place, there is no limit for anyone. If Saigonese(s) are in Tinkerbell they will surely be the tinker fairies. All the architects and the details of buildings are just pedantic; each and every cm square of the building must be flawless and perfect. This doesn’t apply for just one single building but for many buildings, so insane. As difficult as it’s to look away, there are still many other things that you need to explore.

Nhà thờ đức bà (The Notre-dame) 

 Walking across the street is like an adventurous journey, you have to watch out on those monsters, roaring, ready to attack but the feeling of safely crossing the crowded street is just so relieving, and when all your muscles just relax as you breath out that ginormous breath you have been holding in just sends a sensation of pure happiness up to your brain. Walking around Saigon might sounds like a fun idea but be careful! The percentage of being lost in Saigon is not small at all; all the detours and alleys will be the cause to your headaches, so a map is an essential if you want to survive.

Waking in district 1

Back to the main topic, Saigon. It doesn't need all the city lights to make it beautiful, simplicity is what brings out Saigon. Saigon is like a rare gem that glows brightly in all conditions. No matter where I go,  in the end I will always return to petite Saigon.

Tạm Biệt!

*All the photos above were taken by me

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