Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Forgive, Forget & Move On

Hey guys, it's 1 more day until 2015! Who's excited? I am!

Well this post is going to be more mature, sentimental and probably not as fun or as interesting as the other posts but I really want to get this across to you guys. 

For me new year isn't just about a new fresh start but it also means letting go of the past. Whether it means letting go of a grudge, a bad memory or a person, we must let it go *begins to sing let it go*. Letting something go is not an easy process but when you have accomplished it, you will feel so light and free. Personally when I let something go there are 3 essential things that I do, you can call them stages or steps but since you don't have to follow them in order or you don't have to do all three of them so I will just call them "things".


Forgiving might sound like a simple thing to do but to me, it's more difficult than it sounds. Why is it difficult for me? Well because I never actually completely "forgive". Verbally I might say that "I forgive you" but deep down inside I still want to bury that person alive. Forgive, in my dictionary, is to free that grudge you are holding on someone, even if it wasn't your fault, stop. Just stop. Why do you have to be mad at someone, neither you or the other person will feel comfortable. Abandon whatever you are doing right now and call that person, or leave them a message, telling them that "I forgive you" . If it was your fault, IF, then say "I'm sorry". Life is unpredictable, you do not know what is going to happen and there might not be a "next time". Well if it's impossible to talk or to communicate with that person then just write it on paper and burn it. In 2015, I want to forgive, I want to forgive everybody who hurt me, physically or mentally, I want to forgive. Everybody deserves a second chance and I believe that there is always an angelic side inside everybody. Besides the best way to revenge is to forgive.


Stop thinking about it, or stop running away from it. Face it, deal with it and forget it. It depends on what you are trying to forget but honestly you can't completely "forget" something since there are certain things you can't forget, but you can live with it, you can control it. What you are trying to forget, might be a memory or a person but the main thing is to face it. Not forgetting it by running away from it, but to face it. Accept it, it happened and there is no way you can change it. Time is unstoppable or reversible. 2 years ago something happened that really affected my life, I was emotionally destroyed. I tried so hard to forget it but I couldn't and one day I realised that I just have to ignore it. Stop thinking and stop caring about it. It happened for a reason, everything happens for a reason. After provoking myself I got over it rapidly and the pain also eased away, of course not completely but it did decrease. Right now, I'm trying to forget someone,  and I don't even bother to block or hide away from that person, I just carry on with my life. Yes I did cry, a lot, but after those tears I toughen myself up. Crying doesn't mean you are weak but it's the opposite, you are brave enough to express yourself. For new year, let's forget, forget all the unpleasant things that happened in 2014.

Finally, move on.

Moving is some what the next stage of forget, you forget and you move on. For me moving on is like freeing yourself, you are no longer attached to whatever you were holding back. It also means you are giving yourself another chance, restarting and renewing yourself. Moving on can be painful and seems like a challenging thing to do, because it is, but the result is really worth the shot. Move on from 2014 and look forward to 2015, leave it behind and don't look back. There will always be a rainbow after the rain, cause you know, the light dispersion and the spectrum. Ok I should probably get back with revision now, oh wait there is still the outro. 

Last but not least, best wishes to all of you, take care and don't waste a second of your life. Don't ever take anything for granted, especially if it's something you love. I hope 2015 will be a blessing year for all of you and live the last of 2014 with no regrets, just don't do anything stupid. Goodluck and lots of love! x


  1. amen to these words of wisdom! preach it sister c:

    An xx

    1. thank you so much, your words mean a lot to me x

  2. ..., lan dau doc blog .... Chep dau ra hay vay may? 😜 jk jk but seriously 👏 so deep. Remember whenever you feel sad, just think about my love life, nothing can be worse than that
